A Note From The L.A. Teen Therapist In my work with teens and their parents my job is to be an advocate for my teen clients, and help build a bridge between parents and their children. – Sandra
Inspire Your Teen To Cooperate
A Note From the L.A. Teen Therapist Have you noticed how the parent-child connection is often at the heart of your teen’s willingness to cooperate with you? – Sandra
Parenting Teens Class
A Note From the L.A. Teen Therapist “Raising a teenager can be extremely rewarding, exciting, and very challenging.” – Sandra
Helping Your Teen “Grow-Up”
A Note From The L.A. Teen Therapist Is your teen commonly feeling cranky, irritable and unhappy? Do they skip assignments in school? Do they defy the limits you set for them? Are they struggling socially, unable to make or keep solid friendships? – Sandra